Serving New Hampshire's North Country since 1920.

Visitors are always welcome to participate in all programs, events and egalitarian religious services. Shabbat and holiday services, including High Holy Days, are free and open to all. If you are traveling through or vacationing in the Bethlehem area and would like to attend services, especially if you need a minyan to say Kaddish, please contact us.

Join us Friday nights at 6, on zoom or in person. 6:30 on concert nights.

Saturday morning Shabbat service 10 AM
followed by Torah Study at 11 AM

with Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum

Telephone 802-284-8890 for more information
or email

Come in on Zoom every Thursday at 8am for Psalms and the modern world. With Rabbi Kirshbaum

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We are here for you - for Weddings, B’nei Mitzvot - for all life cycle events.

Taschlich at BHC


Upcoming Events

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Lending a helping hand…..

Waiting for the minyan