Become a New Member

from $60.00

Membership in our historic congregation includes:

  1. Full voting privileges

  2. Reduced tuition for BHC Beit Sefer Religious School

  3. Use of the social hall and kitchen for life-cycle events

  4. High Holy Day seats

  5. All religious services

  6. Informative mailings throughout the year.

Our fiscal year runs from November 1 to October 31. The additional $50 building assessment is placed in a restricted account to pay for capital building expenses. A security fee ensures our building is protected while in use. The BHC Board emphasizes the importance of inclusion, regardless of anyone's ability to pay.

Once you add the item to your cart, checkout by clicking the cart icon in the menu bar.

If your family needs an abatement or an extended payment plan please contact Michel Adler, treasurer, at 603-823-7260. Strict confidentiality will be maintained.

Membership Types:
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Join the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation as a new member. (Please see “Renewals” to renew an existing membership.) BHC welcomes new members: individual, family and other options. The BHC Board emphasizes the importance of inclusion, regardless of anyone's ability to pay.