BHC Inaugurates a Community Seder

bowl of matzo ball soup at bhc 2024 passover seder

Twenty-four members of the BHC community who were “north of the notch” for Pesach participated in the first annual BHC Seder. We all agreed that this should become a new tradition for BHC: “Next year in Bethlehem!”

BHC co-president Melissa Potter contributed a “30-minute Haggadah,” which took us about an hour to get through, of course. The delicious meal that followed was potluck—thank you to everyone for your contributions.

There had been some worries in advance that a Seder meal without a brisket or even roast chicken (to keep our kitchen and social hall dairy kosher) just wouldn’t be the same, but the fish and side dish contributions did the trick—especial thanks to Melissa for her terrific vegetarian matzoh ball soup.

We reserved a cup for Elijah, in keeping with tradition, but also set up two places at the table in honor of the hostages held in Gaza. May they be returned to their families soon.

Story photos by Anna McClennan. photos by Anna McLennan and Jacki Ktzman


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