Summer Walking Series

Friday morning walks in and around Bethlehem meet at 9:30 am on July 5, July 19, August 2, August 16 and August 30

Catch up with old friends and meet new ones during Walking Fridays again this summer. Detailed directions to each meeting point will follow the week before each walk.

Please bring water and bug spray. Wear comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots. Bring hiking poles if you use them. Please let us know if you are coming. We don’t want to leave you behind!

July 5: Heritage Tour of Bethlehem

For the first walk, we will explore Bethlehem. This will include reading the many memorial markers in town, including the new brass plaque in front of the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation. Dave Goldstone will point out the sights and of course, embellish with personal anecdotes! This walk will be an easy way to begin the season.

We will meet at Maia Papaya at 9:30 AM


July 19: Kilburn Crags, Littleton

This trail is more challenging, but not very long. The beginning of the trail is uphill but then it levels off and there’s a beautiful view of Littleton. The trail is 1.8 miles in total and should take about 1 – 1½ hours.

We will meet at 9:30 AM in the parking lot of the Kilburn Crags Trail on NH Route 18N/135 in Littleton (near the Hospital). 


August 2: Mud Pond Trail, Jefferson

The Mud Pond Trail is part of the Pondicherry trail system. It is an easy but beautiful 1.1 mile walk on hard packed dirt and gravel. It leads to an observation platform on the shore of Mud Pond.

We will meet at 9:30 AM in Whitefield to carpool or a little later at the trailhead.


August 16: Bretzfelder Park Mushroom Walk, Bethlehem

Everyone looks forward to searching for mushrooms, especially with Dr. Roz Lowen, BHC’s incredibly knowledgeable mycologist, leading the way. There are possible several trails at Bretzfelder. Our walk will depend on where we most likely will find mushrooms!

We will meet at 9:30 AM in the Bretzfelder Park Parking Lot on Prospect Street, about one mile from Route 302 on the left.


August 30: Mount Agassiz, Bethlehem

Mount Agassiz is a short, steep hike (1.5 miles round trip) that leads to a stunning view from the summit. (We might choose to explore a different route to the top. The dirt bike trail is slightly longer but not as steep. Details will follow.)

We will meet at 9:30 AM