BHC Menorah Ready For Lighting
The Sue Friedman Memorial Menorah standing side-by-side with the Bethlehem Town War Memorial and the massive, decorated tree outside Bethlehem Town Hall. Photo by Dan Goldstone.
Thanks to Jack Anderson, Bethlehem Fire Chief, and the Bethlehem Fire and Police Departments, our Chanukah menorah has a place, power and security for our annual Chanukah celebration.
Chief Anderson made sure the Sue Friedman Memorial Menorah was on display at Town Hall for the 2023 Christmas in Bethlehem celebration and parade on Saturday, December 2.
Join us in front of Bethlehem’s Town Hall, 2155 Main Street, Bethlehem, this Thursday, December 7 at 5:00 pm, to light the first candle and sing together. Candle lighting continues nightly through the holiday at 5:00 pm EXCEPT EREV SHABBAT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, WHEN WE LIGHT CANDLES AT 4:00. The last night of Chanukah is Thursday, December 14.
Each night after lighting the candles - actually twisting the lightbulbs on - we will sing traditional Chanukah songs such as Ma Otzur (Rock of Ages), Mi Y’malel (Who can Retell), I Have a Little Dreidle.
Then have some fun with new, silly-song versions of old chestnuts including Winter Wonderland (Hanukah version), It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Hanukkah version), Feliz Hanukkah, Let it Glow! (Let it snow), and Old Hanukkah Time.
photos courtesy of Martin Kessel