Baking Melissa’s Challah Workshop

It’s a four-hour exercise in measuring, mixing, kneading, waiting and punching, waiting and punching, waiting and punching, waiting and punching. Then cutting and rolling, and finally weaving. Consider the kneading Jewish woman aerobics.

The six strand braid requires good spacial reasoning and memory. The outside strand comes back into the center - good luck.

You can find the recipe here. But for all the master’s secrets, you’ll have to join the group next year.

Bakers met from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm to practice baking skills. Thanks to Gail and Martin for opening their kitchen and providing a tasty sushi snack. And thanks to Melissa for sharing her supplies, her recipe and all the modifications she has made to perfect her challot.

The 6-braid technique. Start by lining up and connecting 6 dough logs. Cross the outer two logs to the opposite side. One outer log crosses into the center. The opposite outer log then goes to the opposite side. Continue. If you are Melissa, the ends match up at the bottom.

A final 35 minute rise of the braided loaf…

The egg-washed dough goes into the pre-heated oven for 35 minutes, followed by 10 minutes with the heat turned off. And here are some of the challot, in all their golden beauty!


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