Chanterelles and Other Beauties: Mushroom Walking With Roz

By Friday Walkers Leader Sharon Heyman

The annual mushroom walk was better than ever this year! As always, Dr. Roz Lowen was enthusiastic and knowledgeable. The ground at Bretzfelder Park was wet and the sky was overcast, but the temperature was ideal. The large group of walkers had numerous questions about the very interesting and unique mushrooms we found. When we got home, I made scrambled eggs with the few chanterelles we picked. (The didn’t have a very strong flavor but none of my friends got stomach cramps.)

It’s a small world when it comes to BHC and mushrooms. One guest walker turned out to be the neighbor of one of Roz’s mushroom hunting friends in Long Island. Roz is an honorary member of the friend’s mushroom club; Roz was wearing a T-shirt designed by that same mushroom hunting buddy.

Thank you, Roz, for an eye-opening morning!!!


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