Joseph Incognito/Uncloaked

A poem by Dr. Judith Felsen


Beneath the coat created

and bequeathed,

worn with pride,

the imprint of  one’s ancestry

blindly gloats,  

pridefully unconscious

of another’s  jealous awe and rage…

myopia is a protector

paternally prescribed,

shared in kins’ collusion

agreement to align 

motives well hidden

from ourselves, apparent to all others…

The gift of coat bares price tag not discerned,

a sacrifice of self upon the altar of paternal right,

expense uncompensated awaiting emancipation…

script is written, characters in place…

the stately robe is tattered, bloodied shredded,  

the body now revealed;

identity unaided by old props

finds  ways to learn of  self…

perhaps remains unadorned, unclothed,  

imprisoned only by the love of love

and pursuit of truth…

In these remaining years kinship has a chance

to dwell each individual whole and yet together

the vows and covenant in tact

Joseph disrobed, uncloaked, unraveled,

Jacob now atoned, humbler, perhaps self forgiven,

Serah’s song to come,

a prelude to the safety of integrity, only love divine…

her voice, a chant, a welcome to all exiled souls;

come home…whole…come whole…come Home…


Tzaddik Boot Camp


I am Jacob