New Sukkah Raising - Tinker Toys For Grown Ups, A Blank Canvas for Kid and Adult Artists in Residence

BHC's 2023 sukkah raising team with sukkah UP

Who knew Rabbi Kirshbaum was an expert sukkah builder?

We all miss Sid Regen deeply. Without him, the old latticed sukkah was withering away. It was time for a change.

5784 launches a new era for BHC celebrations: a new sukkah.

Our team consisting of - but not limited to - an engineer, public works professional, home improvement expert, high-level government administrator, science and technology maven (and near-Nobel laureate), spiritual advisor, and sideline commentators, took on the challenge of connecting the connectors, hanging the hangings, lofting the reeds and branches to construct our new sukkah.

The roomy new structure is a blank canvas, ready for the creative contributions of our resident artists. And then, time to shake a lulav, sniff an etrog, say a few prayers and EAT!

photos by Martin Kessel and Eileen Regen


Anna McClennen and Boris Melomedov


Sanctuary Lights Glow Again