Leslie Dreier Tribute

Leslie Dreier

Wow, a sold out crowd!  And Dave is thinking, Where were you on Shabbos?  

Thx Nancy and committee.  (Geoffrey, Debbie, Jay, Gordon and Lucy)

Dorothy, I’ll start with you.  

I’d just like to say at the outset, I used to be a little bit – just a little bit – afraid of you.  Your intellect and ability to express complex ideas in actually beautiful language, awed me.  You seemed to me a formidable presence, not to be taken lightly. 

That might seem strange to those of us who have learned to look forward to your enchanting, mellifluous voice on Shabbos,– but demanding or comforting, either way, I think you are universally loved.

You recognized the importance of cultural activities to our community, and you brought us the White Mtn Jewish Film festival.   You originated, or at least revived, a long-sleeping membership committee.

 When I think of all the things you have done with David, over the many years we have known each other, you are truly an Echess Chayul, a woman of valor,…. , “A woman of valour who can find? For her price is far above rubies.  The heart of her husband safely trusts in her…”

David, you have been blessed, and so have we.

 Now I’d like to say something about our history and what I perceive to be its influence on our President.

We have some long time BHC members here tonight.  Alice and I have been coming for more than 40 years, and many predate us, some by decades.  And Unlike Alice and me, some of them inherited their attachment to BHC.   Marvin Levin had inlaws that came her in the 1920’s. There’s also Neil Brody and his forbears, the Monseins, the Apple family, Eliot Wessler,  And remarkably, Rhoda Sakowitz’s family who are now into their fourth BHC generation.

I mention these fellow congregants, because Dave Goldstone shares the same kind of Yichus, of lineage.  The bond that Dave inherited here, from his mother and father, Harriet and Abe Goldstone, is enduring.  Alice and I remember Abe and Harriet well.  Harriet supplied all the kiddushes, with the ever-present Stella Doro cookies and Sanka;  She brought flowers from her yard . Abe, as Vice President, acted as President Mort Fisch’s right hand.  And when Dave performs certain duties most of us don’t know about - like lighting the yahrzeit lights every week or leading the Tishe b’Av service every summer - those are exact legacies from his dad.

But Dave has gone further, I think always with his father looking over his shoulder.  For one thing, he has been our president over an unusual course of our history.  Ten or fifteen years ago, BHC was just hanging on by a thread.  Had it not been for the efforts of 90 years of prior generations, I don’t know if we’d have survived.  There were many times when we were short of a minyan; and there were times when the value of our operating accounts hovered around zero.  

I think Dave felt he owed it to his mom and dad, and to those still holding on, to keep his legacy alive.  

But What brought us here tonight? — It’s the way Dave conveys a sincerity and depth in his relationship with our community and with the services themselves. How many of us have seen, during an especially moving subject, tears appear in David’s eyes on the bima,?  How many have taken to heart the especially meaningful parts of the services he chooses to read in English?  Who hasn’t marveled at Dave’s ability to switch melodies according to the seasons. And right on tune, too.  How does he do that?

How many of us have smiled at Dave’s quick repartee?  The other night at a service at announcement time Lucy raised her hand and said, Dave, you might feel bashful about this, but something ought to be said about the Gala coming up.”  And Dave replied, “Yes . . .  everybody come.  I deserve it.”  As strange as it may sound, that was an example of Dave’s modesty.  He rarely takes or gets creditcommensurate with his dedication to our community.  

Tonight, we have all come to supply that credit.  Let us all raise a glass – is it Manishevitz? –  and  say,  Dave and Dorothy,   Todah raba, Thank you,  and,     Lechaim!

Leslie Dreier is a BHC board member and Gala host


Rabbi Kirshbaum Tribute