Sixty fans of Dorothy and Dave Goldstone filled the social hall to celebrate the first couple of BHC. We were honored to have the head of Jewish Federation of NH, Allyson Guertin, former BHC President, Leslie Dreier, current co-president, Melissa Potter, as well as our own Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum pay homage to “D & D”. The speeches were heartfelt, funny and inspiring. 

The dinner committee of Alice & Leslie Dreier, Nancy & Geoffrey Fages, Lucy Goodhart & Gordon Bennett and Deb Simon & Jay Johnson made the whole evening a joyous and delicious experience. Everyone brought their own special talents and it was a true labor of love. The social hall was transformed into a posh party room, the music was hopping and the food was scrumptious!

The community came together and sponsorships abounded: 12 Silver, 5 Gold, 1 Platinum and 2 Diamond sponsors made the evening a roaring success! The Goldstone Fund will go to great use for the shul. 

People sent messages from near and far, and friends and family traveled to make the night all the more special!!!

Keep your eye out for the next Grand Gala…

Find the speech texts for and by Dave and Dorothy speeches here

See Martin Kessel’s dance videos here

Photos by Eileen Regen

photos by Martin Kessel


Tales of the Sinclair and Other Summer Stories


“Yes I Can Say That” - Notes on Judy Golds’ Book for BJI