The Book of Golden Memories

“We remember those we have loved and lost…and the sweetness they brought to our lives.”

As we prepare for the High Holy Days at Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation, our thoughts turn to those who are no longer with us. The Book of Golden Memories is published annually for the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur.

Donations are $5 per name with no limit to the number of people you can honor.

See directions below for submitting your Golden Book entries.


A. Click here to review your listing in the 2023 Book of Golden Memories.

B. Update your listing for 2023 by typing this required information in an email:

  1. Your donor name in the 2023 book  (Examples: Jacob Stein; Jacob Stein and Jane Smith; Jacob, Jane and Jody Stein; The Stein Family)

  2. Instructions to please:

    1. Keep everything the same in 2024

    2. OR Instructions to add or subtract these names (List names)


Suggested donation: Minimum of $5 for each name memorialized. Your generosity is truly appreciated. 

Click here to donate 


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