Work-A-Bee Morning - All Shined Up for 2024
By Mike Adler, BHC Treasurer
For the community cleanup, Sunday April 28, members showed off their skills to prepare the synagogue, community room, kitchen and all in between for the 2024 season.
Though we employ a cleaning service, there are things that are best done by members.
Leslie Dreier sorted through the collection of old books, triaging which to keep, which to go to recycling center and which to bury in the BHC section of the Bethlehem cemetery.
Mike Adler takes his turn with the broom
Jay Johnson, Josh Lieberman and Mike Adler strung an ethernet cable to bring a stronger internet signal into the social hall. (It will work fine once Mike figures out the pass word.)
Debbie Simon, as the new hospitality chairman, organized and cleaned the kitchen. Margaret Cugini was upstairs cleaning the Sanctuary. Thanks to Joshua’s ladder, we were able to replace bulbs in the Synagogue chandeliers. We also replaced neon bulbs in Beit Sefer room and community room and cleaned the plastic ceiling tiles (goodbye dead mousy).
We also had help from David Goldstone, Marcia Okun, Melissa Potter, Lucy Goodhart and Moocho Saloman, who initiated the call for the clean up day. Thanks to Dave Sales for taking trash and cardboard to recycling center.