Dorothy Goldstone

Dave, from the day we first met,  I knew you would be the one & only,   the love of my life.    From that beginning your generosity has lifted us up -- not only to our own family,  but to our  the members of our whole BHC Community right here in Bethlehem,  and throughout New Hampshire.


Never a show-off, your work tends to be behind the scenes.   You are careful to see that each of us gets a turn to speak up and challenge old thinking.


Your open heart leads you to discover new friends and welcome them to our loving, thoughtful and very generous Congregation. 


It has been an honor to sit by your side through the thick and thin of life, to watch and learn from you the joy of laughter and how to use that to soften the blows that life has a way of knocking one down.   Your kindness to all who need support – be it physical, or more difficult, emotional is beyond simple words. 


Daily you teach me – with words, our voice,  your eyes – the power of laughter,   and the power of quiet,  as well as the soft relief that tears bring.   


Thank you for all you have been doing for all of us at the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation over the past decade and a half! 



Dave Goldstone


Nancy Fages Tribute