Nancy Fages Tribute
Nancy Fages welcomes all to the Gala
Good evening everyone!
I’m Nancy Fages, and welcome to the BHC Gala dinner dance.
This year we honor my/ our dear friends Dorothy & Dave Goldstone. Their contributions to the community are well documented and deeply noteworthy…we’ll talk about all that later!
Since October 7th and after the horrific murders yesterday on the most innocent of soccer fields of 12 of our precious children it has been challenging to allow ourselves to be b’simcha. But here’s what I know about Israel and Israelis and all klal yisroel…when they think they’ve got us down, we rise up! When they think we’re got no more joy in our hearts…WE ARE B’SIMCHA! That is our best revenge!!!
So now, I want to tell you a short story that turned into a long story, a 38 year LOVE story!!!
Two brooklyn kids whose roads diverged, one who followed the bright lights to Hollywood, and one who loved the mountains and became a parks director in queens.
Two brooklyn kids whose roads diverged, one who followed the bright lights to Hollywood, and one who loved the mountains and became a parks director in queens.
So how does this love story come together??? The Appalachian mountain magazine obviously!!!
Dorothy no shy wallflower put an ad looking for love in the same place people put ads for hiking boots.
Heres how it read…
Informed Optimist Seeks Imaginative Pragmatist. NYC-based W, 36, Nordic looks, Jewish intellect, frontier spirit, and naturalist's soul is ready to meet marriage-minded M who lives/works within commuting distance to Manhattan. I'm a nonsmoker, living in Green-which Village, an established media prof. with humanitarian values and interests. Tolerant of joggers, I'll be waiting at home with fresh brewed de-caf. Enjoy active exchange of ideas; quiet long hikes from Lapland to the Sierras; and NPR. But sharing values is more important to me than sharing hobbies. If you're like me, you're an upbeat achiever, with a sense of balance and com-passion. Let's exchange photos and bio's. (Or show this ad to a friend, if you think we're a better match.) Be brave. Take a chance.
I am. Dorothy, c/o the Gilberts,
Clearly Dorothy’s a genius. She got so many responses that it was months before she got through all the grizzly Adam’s rejects till she got to her Prince Charming.
And here’s how on their first date she knew she’d met her bashert… I’m paraphrasing to the best of my ability, he said to her, some people love to travel and their lives are like a slide show, I love going back to my favorite places and so my life is like a painting.
So my dear D & D, here we are 38 years later honoring your love and commitment to each other and to us. Mazal tov and will you both make hamotzei for us.
Nancy Fages is BHC’s balaboost in chief and serves on several committees, and is a Gala host